Message From:
Joe Alcala – Executive Administrative Assistant
Middle Rio Grande Development Council
307 W. Nopal Street
Carrizo Springs, Texas 78834
Dear Eagle Ford Consortium Members,
The Eagle Ford Consortium Members meeting is being hosted by the Victoria Community College at their beautiful campus located at 2200 East Red River in Victoria Texas, on April 18th. We are having ourmeeting in Victoria in partnership with Golden Crescent Workforce Solutions, who will be having a Job Fair targeting available jobs within the Eagle Ford Oil and Gas Industries. This is a great time to network with not only our new consortium members, but with other industry representatives and vendors in this part of the shale.We invite you to join our meeting in person, through video conferencing or by telephone conferencing. Agenda and Job Fair information is attached.
For Job Fair information at the Workforce Solutions Golden Crescent located at 120 S. Main St. Suite 100 Visit their website: