Press Release
Contact: Monica Cruz, (361) 354-2258,
For immediate release
Five-day oil & gas safety training available at CBC Pleasanton this fall
Coastal Bend College, in partnership with Petroleum Education Council (PEC) Premier, will be holding five-day Oil Patch Preparation Systems (OPPS) safety trainings this fall at the CBC Pleasanton site. The OPPS trainings are scheduled for October 14-18, November 11-15, and December 9-13.
OPPS is a five-day entry level safety training and job placement program that is designed to help students gain the skills needed to get started in oil and gas safety related occupations in the Eagle Ford Shale. Students enrolled in OPPS will receive hands-on training in addition to classroom instruction, and the training credential is transferrable.
The program is being customized to meet employer and industry demands in the Eagle Ford Shale area. OPPS provides an oil and gas career starting point for entry-level workers, veterans, and other people who want to work in safety related occupations.
“Coastal Bend College is proud to be a part of the dynamic opportunities that have presented themselves in the Eagle Ford Shale industries. The OPPS safety training will provide the entry level training that is needed to gain entry into the oil and gas occupations. Safety is of the utmost importance, and it’s the key component in making sure the employees get home safely at the end of the day,” said Lillian Garza, Director of Customized and Continuing Education for CBC.
A student that enrolls in OPPS will attend class from 8:00 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. for five consecutive days at the CBC Pleasanton site located on 1411 Bensdale Road. The cost of the OPPS safety training is $600, and thanks to a generous donation from DCP Midstream there are scholarships available to veterans that will help pay for the entire training fee.
To register for the program or to obtain more information, please contact Lillian Garza at (361) 354-2331, Nora Cartwright at (361) 354-2230, Katie Sherman at (830) 569-4222 ext. 1203, or Sharon Mayberry at(830) 569-4222 ext. 1201.
Monica Cruz
Manager of Marketing & Public Relations
Coastal Bend College
3800 Charco Road
Beeville, TX 78102
P: 361.354.2258 / F: 361.354.2764