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Eagle Ford Update From the Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas gave an update on Eagle Ford in this 2012 Second Quarter Report…..


Eagle Ford Chart Source: Dallas Federal Reserve Bank














 ….Its southern edge begins near Laredo

and trends northeast toward Austin, producing
large quantities of natural gas. The northern
edge—the formation is about 50 miles
wide—follows a similar trend but produces
oil. A central zone is rich in condensates,
also called natural gas liquids, valuable to the
refining and petrochemical industry on the
Texas Gulf Coast.

 Full report here:

More Proof – Eagle Ford is the Largest Oilfiled

Simply put – everything is bigger in Texas.

Yes sir.  Eagle Ford wells are producing twice the volume of wells in the Bakken area of North Dakota. These new findings by a Colorado company (IHS) are detailed in the IHS Herold Eagle Ford Regional Play Assessment and is no news to us Texans.

This backs up the findings from our earlier report from UTSA 

No sir – we didn’t need some Colorado company telling us we’re the biggest – we already knew ; )

For more details on the report see:


eagle ford night rig

Drilling in Eagle Ford at Night

Producing Natural Gas From Shale

eagle-ford-horizontal-drillingShale gas is natural gas trapped inside formations of shale — fine grained sedimentary rocks that can be rich sources of natural gas and petroleum. It was just a few short years ago that much of this resource was considered uneconomical to produce. But American ingenuity and patient research by the Energy Department have led to dynamic breakthroughs in shale gas production.

Source (US Department of Energy)

KMEP to buy Petrohawk Eagle Ford shale assets; build liquids pipeline

HOUSTON, May 5 — Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP (KMEP) has entered into a definitive agreement to buy Petrohawk Energy Corp.’s 50% interest in KinderHawk Field Services in the Haynesville shale and a 25% interest in Petrohawk’s natural gas gathering and treating business in the Eagle Ford shale