Category: Eagle Ford Map

Eagle Ford Drilling Permits December 2016

Eagle Ford Drilling Permits December 2016

Click to enlarge the image below of the Permit  Activity in the Eagle Ford. Word on the street is that the landmen are knocking and they are saying that drilling will commence. What are ya’ll hearing?

Eagle Ford Map

Oil and Gas Wells Permitted and Completed in the Eagle Ford Shale Play:

2,148 Permits – 11,735 Oil on Schedule – 5,650 Gas on Schedule



Eagle Ford Map

The latest Eagle Ford well permit map, from the Texas Railroad Commission:

5,972 Permits – 8,448 Oil On Schedule – 4,269 Gas On Schedule

Eagle Ford Map

Note: There are 5,972 permitted locations representing pending oil or gas wells, where either the operator has not yet filed completion paperwork with the Commission, or the completed well has not yet been set up with a commission identification number.

Eagle Ford Well Permits Jump 281 Since July

Here is the latest Eagle Ford Wells Map – Permitted and Complete for August. Permits jumped by 281 since the  July Map came out.
Blue Dots =   5,965 permits
Green Dots = 6,505 Oil – On Schedule
Red Dots =     3,285 Gas – On Schedule

Eagle Ford Well Permit Map

Eagle Ford Well Permit Map – Wells Permitted and Complete.
Source: Texas Railroad Commission