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Latest Eagle Ford Drilling Stats From EIA

EIA – May 2017 Drilling Statistics for the Eagle Ford

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) May 2017 Drilling Productivity Report is now available.

may 2017 eagle ford drilling stats

The EIA combines statistics on the total number of drilling rigs currently in operation. Theses show changes in oil and natural gas production for all of the major plays in the US. Including the  Eagle Ford shale, Bakken, Haynesville, Marcellus, Niobrara, Permian Basin, and the Utica.

Their reporting does not make a distinction between an oil rig or a gas rig because a completed well will most likely produce oil and gas.

The EIA is focuses only on these 7  areas, because they account for over 90% US oil production and the entire natural gas production for the last seven years.

Eagle Ford Drilling Permits December 2016

Eagle Ford Drilling Permits December 2016

Click to enlarge the image below of the Permit  Activity in the Eagle Ford. Word on the street is that the landmen are knocking and they are saying that drilling will commence. What are ya’ll hearing?

Eagle Ford Map

Oil and Gas Wells Permitted and Completed in the Eagle Ford Shale Play:

2,148 Permits – 11,735 Oil on Schedule – 5,650 Gas on Schedule



OPEC Cuts and Optimism Soars in the Eagle Ford

OPEC Cuts – Yeah!

OPEC has agreed to cuts, and it looks like they are serious this time. Eagle Ford News editors are starting to hear that things are moving again in the Eagle Ford. Landmen and talking to landowners and they are using the word “Drilling”. All good news for us folks in the Eagle Ford!


Eagle Ford and the San Antonio Manufacturers Association

Trade Show for Manufacturers

Hey Eagle Ford Manufacturers. This is yoru chance to show off your abilities and stir up some business!

eagle ford manufacturers show

Attend or Exhibit – Booth Spaces Still Available!
From our friends at the San Antonio Manufacturer’s Association
South Central Texas Manufacturing Trade Show & Conference
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
FREE Admission for Attendees
Listen To Four Successful Area Manufacturers And How They Grew Their Business
Visit Quality Vendors In One Day, Under One Roof
Convenient and Ample Free Parking
Exposition Hall at the Freeman (Hall B)
3201 E Houston
San Antonio TX 78219
Register or Get Booth Details Online 

US Rig Count December 28th 2015

USA Rig Count December 2015

RigData US #‎rigcount‬ is 771 active rigs (-29). 167 rigs moved last week & 385 drilling permits issued (-250).

us rig count 122815


About RigData:  is the oil and gas industry’s trusted source for accurate and timely information pertaining to drilling activity in the United States, the Gulf of Mexico and Canada. For over 25 years, the oil and gas industry has relied on RigData reports for its comprehensive and unparalleled reporting on drilling permits, drilling activity and tracking drilling rig locations.