US Rig Count December 28th 2015

USA Rig Count December 2015

RigData US #‎rigcount‬ is 771 active rigs (-29). 167 rigs moved last week & 385 drilling permits issued (-250).

us rig count 122815


About RigData:  is the oil and gas industry’s trusted source for accurate and timely information pertaining to drilling activity in the United States, the Gulf of Mexico and Canada. For over 25 years, the oil and gas industry has relied on RigData reports for its comprehensive and unparalleled reporting on drilling permits, drilling activity and tracking drilling rig locations.

RigData collects and publishes extensive information on permits-to-drill, completions data, drilling rig locations and overall oil and gas drilling activity. RigData has garnered a solid reputation for delivering the highest quality and the most accurate oil and gas drilling industry data which is considered to be the industry benchmark and is frequently referenced by the media and industry analysts.

Whether you need rig data to identify new sales leads, plan visits to drilling rigs, determine market share, identify exploration trends, find available rigs, identify new production, monitor competitive activity or to define territories you can always count on RigData to deliver you the most accurate and up-to-date rig reports each week!

Thousands of oil and gas industry professionals depend on RigData reports for the information they need to make decisions every day.

At RigData we have the customer in mind at every stage in our product development process. If we don’t have what you need, we’ll make it for you! Turning each of our customers into a raving fan is what we strive for everyday.