The Problem
The recent discovery of more than 200 years of secure, domestic natural gas sources bodes well for our Nation’s energy future. These reserves, now accessible because of hydraulic fracturing shale, are predominantly found in Texas, New York, Pennsylvania – in the Barnett, Haynesville and Marcellus shale plays, respectively. The problem is that the development of these vast shale gas resources through “fracing” has been accompanied by claims of damage to groundwater and surface water. To date, however, no credible, independent research has been conducted to support or rebut these environmental concerns.
The Energy Institute Solution
The University of Texas at Austin, in partnership with Syracuse University, has developed a two-year, multi-disciplinary study of fracing in the each of the three major shale plays. In addition, the Environmental Defense Fund has agreed to assist in the design of the research agenda and monitor research protocols as the program develops.
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source: (University of Texas Energy Institute)